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A Really Killer Corp Deck

Ah, the naivety of youth... I'll leave this up even though we've since learned what real power is.)

I've got to admit I got a "scouting report" before playing against Dave Schmidt's corp deck. My jaw dropped when I realized knowing how I was going to die didn't seem to make any difference:

   9 Netwatch Operation Office

   2 Blood Cat
   4 Chance Observation
   4 Trojan Horse

   6 Punative Counterstrike
   5 Scorched Earth

   7 Accounts Receivable

   4 Filter
   4 Data Wall
I'm not going to detail how he was using the above; suffice it to say this thing works and doesn't require a lot of rares (just two, in fact) and he said the Blood Cats weren't required, though I'm not sure he wasn't high on killing runner after runner.
Oh, and my Netrunner buddy Dennis Duncan deserves two mentions: He helped Dave playtest this thing, and he loaned him a Blood Cat and the 5 Scorched Earths that killed my butt. Thanks so much, Dennis!

 Your feedback is solicited, write to Updated 18 Aug 96.